 Pearl Millet
Products - Pulses
India is the largest producer, consumer and importer of pulses in the world. Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Greengram (Vigna radiata) and Black gram (Vigna mungo) are the important sources of dietary protein for large number of vegetarian population in India. Considering the importance of pulses, Vibha Seeds Group has initiated breeding programs for developing new cultivars for high yield, high protein and resistance to major pests and diseases. VSG is also working for developing hybrids in pigeonpea.
Salient features
High yielding pulse cultivars are developed for
Early duration
High protein
Tolerance to mosaics, wilt, powdery mildew, and major insect pests
Shattering resistance
Improvement in harvest index
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